Find your Nest.
Build your Community

Brings Families Closer

Our Playgroups bring families closer by providing a casual socialization experience to form lasting friendships between Caregivers and youngsters alike.

Accessible to All

Depending on the location, playgroup tuition is either suggested donation with a ‘pay what you can’ option, or no cost.

Early Enrichment

Enjoy activities from our ROBIN’S WINGS© program based on socio-emotional skill building for babies and toddlers through music & movement, creative arts & crafts, & sensory explorations!

Round Robin Playgroup is the Solution to Accessible Quality ‘Caregiver & Me’ Playgroups

About Our Mission

Navigating the daily challenges of caring for a baby can be incredibly overwhelming. Even stepping out of the house can seem like a monumental task, leading to a sense of isolation for many new caregivers. In these moments, social support becomes a lifeline.

'Caregiver & Me' programs, while marketed at being primarily for children, serve as vital socialization opportunities for caregivers, connecting them with others facing similar challenges. The impact is profound, touching on mental health, the formation of secure attachments, and overall child development.

Given the vital benefits that ‘Caregiver & Me’ programs provide, they ought to be financially accessible to every Caregiver and child. However, this is not the case here in Miami where these types of programs are priced as luxury services.

At Round Robin Playgroup, our mission is simple: to tear down these financial barriers. We provide high-quality, donation-based 'Caregiver & Me' playgroups, ensuring that every family, regardless of their financial situation, can participate. Our 'Pay What You Can' model not only reduces these barriers but also allows us to extend our reach into underserved communities across Miami.

In 2023, we touched the lives of over 250 families in Miami, operating 11 active playgroup programs. Now, we invite you to be a part of our mission. By attending our playgroups and choosing to contribute what you can afford, you help us expand our organization's reach, bringing these invaluable programs to even more families throughout Miami. Because we believe, and we've seen, that when caregivers thrive, children thrive. Together, let’s make that belief a reality. Join us in creating a future where every family has the support they need to flourish.

Round Robin Playgroup is a 501c3 Nonprofit providing opportunities & resources that create equitable access to high-quality ‘Caregiver & Me’ Playgroups, supporting early childhood development, and encouraging secure relationships.